Conisder the following example1:

  no,  yes,   <-- classified as
 1000,  10,   no
  20,    1,   yes

For example1:

Consider the following example2:

apples,   beans,    carrots,  <-- classified as
50,       10,          5,    apples
 5,       80,         10,    beans
20,       30,        100,    carrots

For example2:

Consider the following example3

apples,   beans,    carrots,  <-- classified as
50,        0,          0,    apples
 0,       80,          0,    beans
 0,        0,        100,    carrots

For example3:

Draw a standard ROC curve (labelling each each):

Explain the intuition (but do not define mathematically), behind the following:

A client demands a high recall detector with no false alarms: