REVIEWS 3 and 4

The questions that follow are based on the lecture topics listed below

  1. Week 3: Domination
  2. Week 4: Statistics


        Row ID  Objective-1     Objective-2     Objective-3
        1       10             15           20
        2       12             20           22
        3        8             18           20
        %cylinders   <weight   >acceltn   >mpg
        8            4425      11         11
        8            4955      11.5       10
        8            4464      11.5       10
        8            4464      12.5       10
        4            1985      21.5       40
        4            2085      21.7       40
        4            2130      24.6       40

Evaluation measures for predictors

  1. Define (with corresponding formulae) the following measures
  2. RE, MRE, MMRE, medMRE, PRED(30).


  1. Define and distinguish the following:
    • Effect size and Significance tests
    • Parametric, Non-Parametric tests
  2. Cohen's delta is a non-parametric effect size test. Explain.
  3. Explain this statement in terms of gaussian distribution: "Any significance test reflects on the overlap between distributions"
  4. For question 3 (above), draw 3 diagrams with pairs of distributions depicting the differences
  5. Explain how the Scott-Knott test works.
  6. In the innermost loop of scott-knott test, what kind of hypothesis would you apply?
  7. What are the similarities between scott-knott tests and unsupervised discretization
  8. What are the differences between scott-knott tests and unsupervised discretization


  1. KNN is called a lazy learner (and decision tree learners are not lazy). Why?
  2. KNN is called an instance-based learner (while decision trees are model-based). Why?
  3. Explain the following statements
  4. KNN can be simply extended to steam mining while decision trees, not so much.
    • KNN is faster than decision trees, for training, but very much slower when tested on new data.
    • When k=1, the kernel function is irrelevant.
    • KNN can be optimized with some stochastic sampling
    • Any stochastic sampling method has to be certified with experimentation
  5. What does the kernel function do in KNN?
  6. What are linear, median, triangular kernels? Explain with a numeric example.