csc 510-001, (1877)
fall 2024, software engineering
Tim Menzies,, com sci, nc state

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for essay

Essay (ethics)

Work solo. IMPORTANT: read the lecture on ethics before you start.

What to write

YOur answer must cover, at the very least: - who is hurt by the current design; - how we might fix that? - Important: ensure that your text justifies why the new design addresses the problems you document. - and how will your fix empower traditionally disempowered social groups? - ie. don’t just fix this particular problem; rather, address deeper issues that might cause problems in the future).

Word limit

How to write

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Grading Rubric

Grade What Notes
-3 POOR ESSAY STRUCCTURE We want coherent paragraphs, not a bullet list. References are used in a way that enhances the argument. Paragraphs should be content-full (rather that a set of irrelevances). Arguments should be defended and not just be opinions of the form “I think that…” (with no supporting clauses). Each section should start with some clarification/structuring preamble.
2 PROBLEM DEFINITION +1 if it states the problem and +1 more if does it well; e.g. situates current problem in broader content
2 GATHER RELEVANT FACTS +1 if it gather assess relevant facts and +1 more if does it well; e.g. extensive literature review
2 IDENTIFY STAKEHOLDERS +1 if it identifies the stakeholders and +1 more if does it well; e.g. shows how skackholder requirements can be contradictory
5 LIST OF 5 OPTIONS +5 if it develops a list of iat least five options
3 SOFTWARE DESIGN +2 of some of those options need to includes a redesign for a better version of the software where the better software mitigates some of the issues discussed by the original software. And +1 more if it does it well; e.g. clever design
4 TESTING 2 if it tests options using criteria like harm, publicity, defensibility, reversibility, virtue, colleague, professional, organizational test ( see guidance on that at And 2 more if it does it well; e.g. writes extensively insightful notes on three or more of the tests
2 CHOICE +1 if tentative choice and +1 if final Choice
-2,+1 OTHER -2 if the essay is mostly “I think X, I think Y” without any citations or comment on the amazing things other people have thunk in this matter. +1 more if it beyond the specifics of your answer, the real test will be ““does the student understand general principles that can be applied in other contexts”; i.e. if the essay defined clear steps to making ethical decisions (beyond the 12 steps of for future applications.
20 TOTAL plus, maybe, +1 bonus