csc 591-024, (8290)
csc 791-024, (8291)
fall 2024, special topics in computer science
Tim Menzies,, com sci, nc state
I want you… to be an (AI)
brain surgeon
- I want to make you the AI software engineers:
- that know how to reach inside smart algorithms and make changes
- Surely, by now, we can do that:
- If you have been doing something for a while then can you or I:
- Do it simpler, faster. using fewer resources?
- Know how to combine things, such that you can more with less?
- Teach seemingly complex things to newbies?
Can we
engineering an AI system? Simply? Quickly?
Here we explore dozens of SE problems
using explainable AI for semi-supervised multi-objective
- Internally, this is coded via sequential model optimization and
membership query synthesis.
Sounds complex, right?
- But it ain’t.
- In fact, as I hope to show, all the above is just a hundred lines of
code (caveat: if you are using the right underlying object model).
Which raises the question….
What else is similarly simple?
- How many of our complex problems … aren’t?
My challenge to you is this:
- Please go and find out.
- Take a working system, see what you can throw away (while the
remaining system is still useful and fast).
- Let me know happens so I can add your fantastic new, and simple,
idea to this code
Why study simplicity?
- Cause we are getting really really good at reasoning with very
little data
- Cause its good science
- If you really understand “it”, can you do “it” again, very very
- Cause the world is changing
- Next generation of satellite internet providers
- Connecting millions of new programmers willing to work for \(\frac{1}{20}\)th of the salary you
- In that world, you do not want to be the programmer
- You want to be the optimizer who controls and improves the work of
- Cause almost no one else is studying reasoning with very little
Why study simplicity? (2)
- Cause everyone has gone mad on complexity.
- A small number of very large companies have built empires based on
“big data”
- Five years ago, no on one wanted to head about simplicity
- But after three years of constant tech lay offs, and increasing
challenges for getting jobs at these large organizations …
- … my students now know they need to graduate with knowledge about
“big data” AND alternate approaches.
- Cause big data is running out of data (see next slide).
Surfing the long tail
- LLMs? For everything?
- LLMs know a lot, about things we do a lot (e.g. “if” statements in
- And they know less about things we do less
- Model collapse:
- We are about to run out of training data for
- Can’t reply of synthetic data generation (no new information from
data already seen)
- So, we make do with less data?
- Are their domain, were models need less, not more, data?