To learn enough about data miners so that you can mash up your own, in creative ways.
There are two paths to this.
- For a few number of students, I invite you to learn LUA and help me retire the open issues for my LUA LURE system. This will be an open ended set of very different tasks.
- For most students, you will NOT be coding in LUA
- Rather, you will treat the LUA code as a specification
- That you will recode in Python, Ruby, JAVA (not recommended) etc.
Path1: Pure LUA (for a few of you)
- Port https://gist.github.com/jasonkeene/2140276s to LUA
- Add command line arguments to control size of display
- Add a command line argument to randomly set each cell to be alive on pop0 at probability
. - Add a subdirectory contain a set of some patterns (so at the command line you can “start with this pattern file”
- See if you can duplicate the behavior of
Sept12, Sept19, Sept26, Oct5
- Fork the Lualure github repo
- Discuss the open issues with the lecturer adn get some assigned to you.
- Each week, close some issues.
- Repeat, four times.
Path2: Un-LUA-ed (for most of you)
Your task is to generate the (e) the contrast sets between (d) the regression trees learned from (c) discretized data (supervised, of course) taken from (b) a table of data read from (a) comma-separated data.
Note that such contrast sets satisfy many of the demands of this subject. They are succinct (human readable) and context-aware. The results are highly actionable (since they tell you how much or little you need to do to achieve some goal). So by coding this, you are building something that very few other people on the planet can access. Go WolfPack!
In any case, your task is to deliver (abcde) on (a) Aug29, (b) Sept12, (c) Sept19, (d) Sept26 and (e) Oct5. Notes on those tasks are given below. Note that I mention LUA code below- but don’t presume that you will write in LUA. Just treat the LUA code as something to read and review.
(a) Reading CSV files
Given a disk file like this:
outlook, $temp, ?humidity, windy,>wins,<play
sunny,80,90,TRUE, 12,40
sunny,72,95,FALSE,7,20 #adsas
rainy,71, 91, TRUE ,50,40
Read each line, kill whitepsace and anything after comment characters (#
), break each line on comma,
read rows into a list of lists (one list per row), converting strings to numbers where appropriate.
Note that some column headers contain ?
: all such columns should be ignored. For now you can
ignore the other magic characters in row1.
Your code should contain checks for bad lines (and bad lines should be skipped over); i.e. symbols where numbers should be and wrong number of cells (we will say that row1 has the “right” length).
- Report runtimes loading in POM3a.
- For POM3a, add in many bad rows and have the code print out error messages from those lines
(b) Reading tables of data
- Note that, for now, you can ignore copy, discretize, goalN, discretizeHeaders.
Read lines from CSV files one a time incrementally updating column headers for each line.
Headers are either Num
s or Sym
s as determined by the magic characters in row1.
- see Tbl for details
and Sym
s incremental maintain knowledge about mean, standard deviation,
and symbol counts in a column. For details, see the update
function in
So when the table reads row1, it builds the headers of Num
s and Sym
And when the other rows are read, the headers get updated.
Code up the domination counter (the dom
function in Tbl
which also
uses dominate
and dominate1
Test: Find and print the top and bottom ten rows of
auto.csv, as sorted
by their dom
score. with the top 5 and the bottom 5 domination
scores. That print out will look something like this (you dont’
need to emulate this, just get the same info):
{"cylinders", "$displacement", "$horsepower", "<weight", ">acceleration", "$model", "origin", ">mpg"}
{cells= {4, 97, 52, 2130, 24.6, 82, 2, 40}, id= 2189}
{cells= {4, 90, 48, 2335, 23.7, 80, 2, 40}, id= 2188}
{cells= {4, 86, 65, 2110, 17.9, 80, 3, 50}, id= 2192}
{cells= {4, 90, 48, 1985, 21.5, 78, 2, 40}, id= 2187}
{cells= {4, 90, 48, 2085, 21.7, 80, 2, 40}, id= 2190}
{cells= {8, 454, 220, 4354, 9, 70, 1, 10}, id= 1828}
{cells= {8, 440, 215, 4312, 8.5, 70, 1, 10}, id= 1829}
{cells= {8, 429, 198, 4952, 11.5, 73, 1, 10}, id= 1804}
{cells= {8, 383, 180, 4955, 11.5, 71, 1, 10}, id= 1802}
{cells= {8, 400, 175, 5140, 12, 71, 1, 10}, id= 1809}
{cells= {8, 455, 225, 4951, 11, 73, 1, 10}, id= 1805}
Note in the above that the first thing printed is the first row of auto.csv
. This tells us that we want to minimize column4
and maximize columns 5,6. Note also that the above print shows that our sort worked: we see smaller displacements and large horsepower
and mpg in the
first 5.
(c) Discretization
Example LUA code:
- unsupervised Discretization: range
- supervised Discretization: superrange
Unsupervised Discretization
Write code that takes a table column of N
numbers, sorts in, and breaks into bins of size approximately sqrt(N)
. Note that these
breaks have to satisfy the following sanity rules:
- no range contains too few numbers (
); - each range is different to the next one by some epsilon value (0.2 * standard deviation of that column);
- the span of the range (hi - lo) is greater than that epsilon;
- the lo value of one range is greater than than the hi value of the previous range
Supervised Discretization Write code that reflects over the ranges found by the unsupervised discretizer. Combine ranges where some dependent variable is not changed across that combination of ranges. Specifically, sort the ranges and do a recursive descent of the ranges. At each level of the recursion, break the ranges at the point that most minimizes the expected value of the standard deviation of the dependent variable.
Tests: see this
Note the function klass that generates numbers around 50 x
numbers and 50 associated y
numbers around 0.2, 0.6, and .9. Print
the unsupervised and supervised ranges, as follows.
My results for that test are shown below (and note
your results
results may be very different, depending on your random number
generator). But the key thing is that there are far fewer supervised than unsupervised ranges.
We have many unsupervised ranges.
x 1 {span= 0.19205901315066, lo= 0.0076981862111474, n= 8, hi= 0.19975719936181}
x 2 {span= 0.081475240216346, lo= 0.23777443367884, n= 8, hi= 0.31924967389519}
x 3 {span= 0.13579630252709, lo= 0.32823422613006, n= 8, hi= 0.46403052865715}
x 4 {span= 0.23776082379639, lo= 0.46444582495114, n= 8, hi= 0.70220664874753}
x 5 {span= 0.12320988398195, lo= 0.75335583498392, n= 8, hi= 0.87656571896587}
x 6 {span= 0.11380950785885, lo= 0.88564837113286, n= 10, hi= 0.99945787899171}
We have fewer supervised ranges.
super 1 {label= 1, most= 0.19975719936181}
super 2 {label= 2, most= 0.46403052865715}
super 3 {label= 3, most= 0.70220664874753}
super 4 {label= 4, most= 0.99945787899171}
(d) Regression Trees
Example LUA code: https://lualure.github.io/info/sdtree.html
To build a regression tree learner:
- Apply supervised Discretization
- At each level of the tree, break the data on the ranges and find the column whose
breaks most reduces the variability of the target variable (we will use
). - For each break, apply the regression tree learner recursively.
- Recursion stops when the breaks do not improve the supervised target score,
when there are
examples to break, or when the tree depth is too much.
Write a list printer that recurses down the tree and prints details about each node, indented by its level in tree.
Test: run your decision tree learner on auto.csv
. Using dom
and tooFew
is 10, the auto.csv divides into
something like this:
in=398 mu=198.50 sd=115.04
horsepower = 1 : n=21 mu=373.71 sd=17.79
horsepower = 2 :
| displacement = 1 :
| | origin = 3 : n=14 mu=368.43 sd=26.26
| displacement = 2 :
| | model = 7 : n=13 mu=342.38 sd=30.69
horsepower = 3 :
| displacement = 2 : n=20 mu=292.60 sd=37.36
horsepower = 4 :
| displacement = 3 : n=11 mu=264.91 sd=43.22
| displacement = 4 : n=10 mu=249.10 sd=35.57
horsepower = 5 :
| displacement = 2 : n=10 mu=270.10 sd=40.14
| displacement = 4 : n=15 mu=241.53 sd=32.19
horsepower = 6 :
| displacement = 3 :
| | origin = 3 : n=12 mu=210.08 sd=33.27
| displacement = 7 : n=13 mu=147.62 sd=27.41
horsepower = 7 :
| displacement = 6 : n=11 mu=137.91 sd=25.26
horsepower = 8 : n=22 mu=119.50 sd=49.68
horsepower = 9 :
| model = 6 : n=11 mu=87.36 sd=11.76
horsepower = 10 : n=29 mu=52.00 sd=23.11
horsepower = 11 :
| model = 3 : n=10 mu=18.50 sd=14.29
(e) Contrast sets
Example code: contrasts
Our contrast learner will examine each pair of nodes in the decision tree and report
the delta
and effect
between each node in a pair
- The
is the difference in the branch path between each node - The
is the mean difference in the performance score those nodes
Note that if the delta is:
- positive then the contrast is a plan (something to do).
- negative then the contrast is a monitor (something to watch for).
Note also that is statistically there is no difference between the population of instances in each node,
then there is no point printing that contrast. For code to conduct those statistical tests, see same
in num.
Test: Using auto.csv, print the plans and monitors separately. Note that for the leaves with best scores, there should be no plans generated. Similarly, for the leaves with worst scores, there should be monitors generated.