
Privacy with Lace2

Foundations of Software Science, CSC, NC State, Fall, 2017

Lesson: Everything is data mining

Fayola Peters, Tim Menzies, and Lucas Layman. 2015. LACE2: better privacy-preserving data sharing for cross project defect prediction. In Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Software Engineering - Volume 1 (ICSE ‘15), Vol. 1. IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 801-811.



Before a community can learn general principles, it must share individual experiences. Data sharing is the fundamental step of cross project defect prediction, i.e. the process of using data from one project to predict for defects in another. Prior work on secure data sharing allowed data owners to share their data on a single-party basis for defect prediction via data minimization and obfuscation. However the studied method did not consider that bigger data required the data owner to share more of their data.

In this paper, we extend previous work with LACE2 which reduces the amount of data shared by using multi-party data sharing. Here:

  • data owners incrementally add data to a cache passed among them and contribute “interesting” data that are not similar to the current content of the cache.
  • before data owner i passes the cache to data owner j, privacy is preserved by applying obfuscation algorithms to hide project details.

The experiments of this paper show that (a) LACE2 is comparatively less expensive than the single-party approach and (b) the multi party approach of LACE2 yields higher privacy than the prior approach without damaging predictive efficacy (indeed, in some cases, LACE2 leads to better defect predictors).

Privacy concerns:

  • At a keynote address at ESEM’11, Elaine Weyuker doubted that she will ever be able to release the AT&T data she used to build defect predictors
  • Due to similar privacy concerns, we were only able to add seven records from two years of work to our NASA-wide software cost metrics repository.
  • In a personal communication, Barry Boehm stated that he was able to publish less than 200 cost estimation records even after 30 years of COCOMO effort.

The LACE Approach

  • Private data remains with data owner inside firewalls.
  • All the algorithms are run behind firewalls by data owners. Hence, in LACE, there is no need for a central server or some third party privatization service.
  • Most data are never shared. LACE prunes away most of the data while retaining “interesting” data points.
  • The shared data are obfuscated such that queries to that data return different values than in the raw data.
  • Obfuscation of the data does not change the classifications of the training data. That is, LACE privatizes data without damaging data mining efficacy.

The Privacy problem:

Privacy threats are classified as

  1. identity disclosure or re-identification,
  2. membership disclosure,
  3. sensitive attribute disclosure

Lace2 directly addresses 3; indirectly addresses 1,2

Re-identification occurs

An attacker uses external information such as a voters list, can re-identify an individual from data that has been stripped of personally identifiable information such as a social security number. Prominent examples of this are the re-identification of Governor William Weld from released health-care data and Thelma Arnold from the AOL search data.

Membership disclosure

Focuses on protecting a person’s micro data.

  • If an attacker is able to confirm that the target’s data is contained in a particular data set.

For example, if the data set contains information only on HIV patients, then the attacker can infer that the target is HIV-positive.

Sensitive attribute disclosure

When a target is associated with information about their sensitive attributes, such as software code complexity. For example:

  • In the case of defect data, one attribute that might want to be kept hidden are the lines of code (loc) associated with the shared data. It is well documented that loc is highly correlated to development effort and development effort is something most organizations wish to keep private (since it effects how many billable hours they can charge their clients).

Inside Lace


LACE2 assumes data is not extreme i.e. For example, consider a case where Microsoft Windows and several small “startups” contribute to a private cache. Even with the random perturbation in MORPH, it will be obvious which defect data came Msoft

Homogeneous Transfer

All attributes same in all data sets. For Heterogeneous Transfer Learning, see Jaechang Nam and Sunghun Kim. 2015. Heterogeneous defect prediction. In Proceedings of the 2015 10th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2015). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 508-519. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/2786805.2786814

Leaf + CLiff + Morph

Leaf = leader follower algorithm for collecting data

  • Run a cache over n data sources do
  • Add to the cache anything anomalous in data source i


  1. The initiator (data owner) is chosen at random. 2, Data owner applies CLIFF to identify the subset of data that best represents the target classes. Only the data selected by CLIFF are used in LACE.
  2. If the data owners decided to use LACE1 then go to the next step, otherwise, with LACE2, LeaF is applied to further prune the CLIFFed data and facilitate collaboration among data owners.
  3. The results are then obfuscated with MORPH and privacy is measured.
  4. Steps 2-4 are repeated until a user defined privacy criterion is met. Once this is achieved, the MORPHed data is added to the private cache.
  5. The private cache is sent to the next randomly chosen site (data owner), where they execute Step 2. As in Step 3, if LACE1 is used then move on to Step 4, otherwise, with LACE2 test each instance of their CLIFFed data using LeaF with the private cache. The test involves each instance finding its nearest exemplar in the private cache. If the instance and exemplar are a certain distance away, then the new instance is MORPHed and added to the cache.
  6. The private cache moves on to the next random data owner and Steps 2-6 are repeated.
  7. The protocol is complete when all data owners involved have had a chance to contribute to the private cache. This final private cache can be added to a public data repository

Cliff= Data Reduction

Discretize all numerics (supervised)

Rank ranges by their power often them appear in one class more than others

  • L(H,E) = like(H E) = P(E H) * P(H)
  • e.g. if “loc=hi” appears 100 times in the 1000 defective rows and there are 10000 rows then
    • 100/1000 * 1000/11,000
  • a good range appears a lot in one class, and more often than note
    • prob*support
    • L(H,E)**2 / (L(H,E) + L(notH,E))

Sort columns by their average power. Keep the most powerful rows of each class.

Sort rows by the sum of the power of their ranges. Delete lower half

Leaf= Follow the leader:

  • Given a distance measure between rows.
  • Cluster data, find centroids - Using k_NN
  • New data arrives
    • Find its distance to nearest centroid
    • If D small, ignore data
    • If D large, add to that cluster

To compute large D, find median distance to centroid of 100 random items in a cluster

Morph= Mutate

Within each cluster. Find nearest row of another class. Mutate this row by a distance between 0.15 and 0.35 towards that other guy.

Measure privacy

A=X%: Find out how much of data is not added to cache

B= (100-X%)*IPR

  • Pick an attribute range
  • Find all rows in raw data with that range
  • Find all rows in privatizes data with that range
  • Increased piracy ratio = division of those two numbers.

Report A*B

  • Typical numbers> 99%
  • Mostly in how much data is removed (usually, 84%)


see slides 47..56 of https://www.slideshare.net/timmenzies/icse15-techbriefing-data-science

see fig 3 of http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=7972992