Simpler. Please.

Enough Inference, But Not Too Much

"As complexity rises, precise statements lose meaning and meaningful statements lose precision."
-- Lofti Zadeh

"Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication."
-- Leonardo da Vinci

"No! No! No!"
-- Business user running in fear from overly complex maths

"Less, But Better"
-- Dieter Rams

Are our AI tools designed "good"? Based on my experience with industrial developers, I would say perhaps not. According to Dieter Rams, good design:

The Obvious Counter-argument Against "Keep it Simple"

Yes, sometimes, complexity is necessary

But when it ain’t

Much industrial success with very complex image processing based on deep learners that derive fascinating internal features uses layers of neural nets

Example of "large ε":

And there are many reasons to reflect on how not to do "it" simpler.

Reasons for less

Your next 15 weeks

We would be foolish not to exploit inherent simplicities.

Because at least in SE, there are inherent simpliticies

Why is this so? Not clear. But:

Because in SE, More Complex is often superfluous

Data from Norman Fenton’s Bayes nets discussing software defects = yes, no

Data from Papakroni's masters thesis

For more, see Data Mining for very busy people

Because, Historically, Simpler is often Better

From Section 2.2 of this paper

Speed speed speed

Less cost (local hardware, cloud services)

The following are somewhat extreme examples. But suppose we could do the following tasks orders of magnitude faster. Just imagine what else could we use all that saved CPU for?

Support the edge

Less Energy Consumption

Power off your phone

From Green in Software Engineering:

Less pollution Creating that Energy

Simpler explanation

Less generation of solutions

Simpler Customization

We are already delivering software more complex than what people can manage (see fig1 and fig3).

Because we need a baseline

Because better science needs better baselines:

Because better engineering needs better baselines:


Quicker more effective training, experimentation

Easier Reproducibility

Solutions more trust-able

Solutions easier to apply

Cause its just good science

A Common Recipe (For Me, at Least)


So that’s it? Just find the few dimensions that matter, then stop?o

